Thursday, November 11, 2010

harshed words~

i know sumtim i like to condemn people...

believing what is right, thats why i wrote those kind of harshed words...

i know in order to wake u guys up into reality u need sumthin that makes u mad... or in term wake u up... untuk kesedaran juge....
if not u guys will never change....

im sory for that...

to tell u the truth i really want malays to be succesfull...

to become very good doctors, poiliticians and other jobs with according to islam...

but heck, if u dont have the qualities to do so, how could u guys become one.....

i was raised in an environmnt of competition....

my father always demanded me to compete especially with the chinese...

because he knows, most malays are stupid, especially the current student of the 21st century...

and it can be proven, even medical student plays a lot and neglect stdying... they stdy only for exam ... only to pass exam... and they dont have the attitude of a doctor...
coming late to class... skip classes without any reason..... do not respect the person whos talking at the front... adeih...

in this time, competiton is everything, we need to aim for the best... and the best will only do...

if u had try ur best to achieve sumthin but did not get what u aim for then its ok because its takdir.... nevertheless u had tried ur best and must be grateful to ALLAH....

but im on a mission to change that...

to pull as many as my friend from that stupid crowd of people....

we must have the attitude as the sahabat~

we must gain knowledge as much as possible.... with good akhlak ....

we must strike a balance between stdying and playing....

we must show that malays are good... we can achieve anything with the help of ALLAH...

let us make the future....

dont be to carried out with the western culture as it will weaken us a lot...

im not saying im perfect, i love when people tell me that im wrong.... or tegur me of what ive done....

i also make mistakes...

but together , we can make a better person, and country...

im no racist , i respect other cultures and races... its just that i love my race very much... and i want my race to be the best... not some lame people..

and i knoe evry other race will be thinking the same way~


  1. wei bodo laa hg ni.. hg ni nk nasihat org suruh maju ke hapa ke.. 1st step hg kena dekati golongan tu.. bukan hina depa lg.. bajet suma doktor kena p klas? xtgk kat drama house tu.. dia rilek2 ja.. tgk crita harold and kumar.. kumar tu steady ja isap ganja lagi.. hg ni pehal? bajet pulun abes? last2 melayu xley compete gak.. sbb apa? xdak pluang.. xdak creativity.. doctor melayu suam stay the same.. nk kejar nama pangkat ngn duit sama mcm bapak hg tu.. so sila sedar2.. jgn nk salahkan stgh2 golongan yg nakal sikit sbb marah kat melayu hg yg bodoh tu.. nk ubah norma melayu be a politician la. dun be a medical student.. its not ur area ok? go die pls

  2. haha, anonymous...

    most likely u are the one of the people in the stupid crowds....

    u want to become a DR like dr house , harold n kumar???

    go ahead...

    but to my concern ur name didnt even pop out in the distinction list...

    those guys are very clever...

    not like u...

    so go top hell man...

    u are stupid so dont take other people with u...

    u are lazy... r u even muslim???

    dont u learn islam???

    doest islam taught u to be sincere in learning, gaining knowledge and work hard???

    u want to play a lot so fuck u...

    i dont care about u...

    but please, i know when people want to do good theres always bitches like u want to stop it....

    so i quiet happy writing this, because i know u would piss off...

    i care about malay not like u...

    u are just some bastard whos wasting the govermnts money...

    u better give the oppurtunity to someone else...

    u think doctors are as lazy as u??

    hahahaha, u will never become a good dr... trust me on that...

    if dont, try asking true doctors...

    im not searching for money and fame, im searching for konwledge...

    and im try to take everyones to the the same... so that we will be good muslim doctor.. not as lazy as u...

    not as stupid as u...

    not as moron as u....

    nothing like u...

    i do mean very good doctors..

    and please, talk to me dirctly u coward...

    face me.,, if u have the guts...

    which i assume u dont because u are stupid...

    im not saying im better, but it just shows how stupid u are... from ur statement i mean...

  3. and anynymous, thanks for the comment , im vey glad to get it

    because it shows that there is still morons like u~ hehe

  4. salam....kate nak nasihat orang, naikkan braders, padahal post ko takde sorang pon braders yg rase semngat pas bace, kutuk braders ade r.. and kalo nak dakwah kat orang, janganla kutuk, gune 'fuck' , 'moron' , 'stupid'..ko ingat ko bagus sangat ke ko kutuk2 orang nih, ak taw la ak bkn naqib mcm ko dulu...ko kate fuck pastu ko cakap pasal islam, nampak sangat ko tak ikhlas....lagi satu, ko tulis previous post, after post 'hot' kak pah, lagi lah nampak ko tak ikhlas...ramai braders tak suke kau sebenarnya..ko 'jual' information' braders kat sisters...tapi kami diam je, nak jage hati kalo satu hari nanti ko kene belasah ko taw la ea sebab dier...
    depan sis bolehla ko ckp cm baik2, tapi kalau kitaorg wat blog mcm ko pas2 ktaorg reveal menda ko ckp psal sis psal xx diorg ko rs mcm naikkan semangat ko x?...

    after that, we'll see who goes better then... in future!

  5. yea, future is all about money and fame. that what success make are. to get both of dat, kene public relations. influence. business.
    let me talk about knowledge :
    5 years student study medic and all, and now his first time to do splenictomy.
    and i take a creative,artistic man, n let him take one day to see procedure,technique,precaution n tools of splenictomy. u see, im pretty hell they both will do splenictomy successfully. see, that is fucking knowledge.
    my points real world is not like an exam, in exam u show it by paper. in real world we look only look at result,it doesnt matter the way, as long it safe n crimeless. u just never work n see the world real enough cause u just a home momma n papa boy. im a medical student, its so easy to pass the exam, because im practical-orientated. i take knowledge that only i need to pratice in the real world. n use my free time to think how to improve, n innovate my skill. u see, all those ppl that get distinction, we all gonna start same after graduate. they only look at perform later, not on paper anymore. paper exam is just a history. im skillful.

  6. i think our prob here is because u not satisfy. ur hardwork doesnt get recognise. there is no mark clarify on the board. u just pass like us. that y u so jeleous n envy. u think it not fair ppl like as just pass like u because while u focus stadi, we joke around, while u work hard, we play around. why u stadi? to be smarter? well yeah u smarter. tell us about it. put ur mark in every room. u got 79 while i got 50. u just pass like me. osler said, medicine but bedside. i like osler. he got a point. he tell us class is for pass, clinical year is time to get serious because that is when we learn medicine. haha. osler is great physician, u cant tell im wrong man. neway, dont be jeleous. its about choice, u choice that style of stadi, go on with it. while we have our own way of satisfaction,we live that way.

  7. hahaha~~bodo punya ipan..ambek hang!! btul la gak, bajet nak dakwah org, tapi bila org komen sket, hang pi balas "fuck" la, "moron" laa..apa crita? stakat kena ayat camtu,dh nak melenting..awat?! x bleh kena kritik sket ka?? pas tu, bajet yr attittude hang mantap, terbaek!!!

    pelik tapi benar..aku bukan apa, aku tau la lain org,lain cara and tak salah kalau cuba nak ajak org laen ikut cara kita..dan kalau org tu tak bleh jgk ikut, so fine tak,,hang cam memaksa jer org ikut cara hang,,aku kenai sgt ramai member aku yg stadi lek lok,respect lecturer.. and depa dok prnah ajak aku ikut cara depa, aku kata la "sorry, i cant follow yr way,tak ngam".. and then depa kata "ok,no problem" and kami still kawan cam besa, masing2 paham ngan cara masing... camnila patutnya attitude hang...

    ipan,ipan...haduihhh,lawak la gak aku rasa..ade jugak org cam hang ea..haha~~tapi xpala, lain org lain cara kan??aku sajala komen kot2 hang nak terima, kalau xmau terima, it's fine!!

