Sunday, June 5, 2011

the best way to do it is to prove it....

just mentioning....

im gettin tired of people who kutuk2 other people....

especially in politics....

u can defend ur political believes, put please dont insult other parties....

even in the Quran had stated that the one u insult might be better than u....

if they did wrong just state it... but dont insult lebih2.... be professional and explain politely.....

if u think ur political believe is better than others and can change the country, prove it.... x prlu nak kutuk2 orang laen.....

dont make excuses... even if u dont win the parliamentary seats .......people will always recognize u if u do sumthin for the people....

dont make excuses of money... u can make money if u have the will.... and help the people..

kutuking will never help u in winning,....

PEOPLE ARE NOT STUPID..... they know if u are good and if u are not...... just prove it...

the more u insult other people the more people will hate u.... thats a fact....

another interesting fact is that the follower of the party is more obsess than the people who runs it.....

they have good kutuking ability.... haiya~~

tahniah nway~ bleh dapat anugerah pengutuk trbaek.....
but again people are not stupid...... org akan menyampah byk2 mengutuk nih.... diam je....

awk bwat bgus, org akan nampk..... x prlu tunjuk keburukan org laen.... awk bwat jahat pun org akan nmpak..... if there are things needed to be solve then solve it in court....

if things are not in ur way then pray to ALLAH.... isnt that what we are belief??????

if one party insult u, should u insult back???????

macm kanak2.... just prove that u are better.... helping the people... keep quiet.... people will notice....

org bawahan ni yg slalu lebih2 mengutuk.... org2 atasan yg x menang kerusi nanti.....

these goes to both ends of politics.....

im sory if i hurt anyone... just mentioning....

1 comment:

  1. You don't have to apologize for you views if you think they're right.

    And I agree with you. Totally agree. But it's not -just- in politics, it's in everyday life too. Jangan kutuk orang, tutup mulut, buat kerja.

    I don't know the political scene in Malaysia right now, so I don't know what spurred this post. Ignorant me, I know.
