Saturday, January 11, 2014

the slower me

im getting slower in writing... my vocabulary has not been updated for 3 years i think...

most of it is because i only read medical books.... not even the newspapers... damn...

a proffesor of mine told us that its wajib for u right now to stdy very damn hard and and achieve the best of us to become a good doctor and help people...

truth to be told, thats the same old spirit that i carry throughout my learning... by i learned that its not that pragmatic at times...

we can be ambitious... or at least try to be one.... but there is always  a reality to set in...

i love to talk to strangers... know their life...

i love making them happy and being there for them to express their feelings....

litsening is my best capabilities... advising may be some of it... most of the tyme i will always just litsen....

if i would one to express sumthing , i would say i am very afraid now....

ALLAH lama x uji diri ini... im very afraid that i dugaan akan dtg unexpectedly.....

ALLAH had given me everything .... and im still x bersyukur